Gilda Midani


Gilda Midani

© Images copyright: Gilda Midani and rightful owners.


Boutiques Gilda Midani

Chicchi Ginepri Manin
Chicchi Ginepri Manin
Chicchi Ginepri is an established Milan-based multibrand shops group that boasts four different apparel boutiques: two of them on Viale Murillo, respectively dedicated to men and women, and other two exclusively focused on womenswear, on Via Manin and Piazzale De Agostini. The first [...]
Donne Vincenti
Donne Vincenti
Donne Vincenti is a well-known boutique located at 10 Via Vittorio Emanuele, in the heart of Alba. From 1963 has been a reference point for women of different age and needs, by a constant research in the fashion field in order to deliver them the ultime in fashion trends. Inside are showcased [...]