PME by Peserico


PME by Peserico

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Boutiques PME by Peserico

Silvio Rustia
Silvio Rustia
La boutique Silvio Rustia nata nel 1911 è situata in Via Mazzini all'interno di uno storico palazzetto del centro della città di Trieste dove vissero James Joyce e Umberto Saba. Un elegante e accogliente spazio multibrand con proposte sia di stilisti affermati sia di nomi nuovi n [...]
Collinegozi was born in September 2014 of a marriage between Colli, an established women's footwear and clothing store opened in 1941, and Colli Uomo, another well-known boutique for men's clothing and footwear inaugurated in 1973.   Located at 10 Via Raffaello Sanzio in the heart of San Bened [...]

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