44 Label Group


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Boutiques 44 Label Group

Antonioli Milano
Antonioli Milano
Antonioli dedicates its collections to real demanding and international customers, free from fixed fashion standards, who love to live according to their own taste.  Antonioli offers an innovative selection, mixing contemporary and refined style choices. Alexander Wang, Ann Demeulemeester, As [...]
One-Off Men
One-Off Men
At the end of Via Gramsci in Brescia, you will find the ONE-OFF Men’s boutique. Designed by the prestigious Baciocchi Associati studio, the boutique is entirely modular, featuring a modern style inspired by metropolitan and contemporary environments. The men’s store is a young and stim [...]
Contre Maglie
Contre Maglie
Un ex frantoio del 1700. Uno spazio di 500 metri quadrati su 3 livelli con una splendida terrazza affacciata sulla città, caratterizzato dall'utilizzo di materiali come la pietra leccese, il ferro e la calce. In una parola: Contre Uno store dal concept estremamente contemporaneo nel c [...]

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